Dear Alpacas...
Dear Alpacas,
Since I can't possibly travel to every single alpaca farm to tell you personally, I'll tell you all right here at this blog:
I am sorry for having made you pose for my camera wearing alpaca hats in Peru in 2004. The posting I put up of you at this site last week got some nice comments from Ez Sez readers but something still felt strange to me...
Although at first I thought the idea of photographing you in hats of your own fleece would be cute and ironic, I now realize doing so has actually proven to be cute, ironic, photogenic AND pure blog gold.
You guys rock the Net and Ez Sez is honoured to share the stage with you and offer you, dear 'Alpacas In Alpaca Hats', the spot as the first official mascots of this site. It should also be noted that I love that hat of yours which has kept me warm all winter long.
Sorry to have confused you a bit at the shoot that sunny day. I hope you now see the value... you guys make serious blog stars.
A belated 'fleece Navidad' to you all,
Ezra Soiferman

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