The next Elvis on the charts?
(Click any image for juicier view.)(Full-length CD released today on XL Recordings)
Remember where you were when you first heard the name Elvis Perkins?
Was it at Ez Sez? Was it right now?
Who, you might be asking, is Elvis Perkins? And is that his real name? ("Elvis Perkins [holding yellow hat] in Dearland and Clownland", Montreal, 2006, by Ezra Soiferman)
Yes, that's his real name and Elvis is none other than a dear friend of mine, a rapidly rising star and a true artist.
Not a bad combo.
I could not be prouder of Elvis on the occasion of his CD "Ash Wednesday" being released at record stores across the USA and Canada today and at iTunes too.
Elvis, younger brother of my old NYU film school friend Osgood, has overcome some unimaginable tragedies in his life and has had some incredible successes. This epic CD falls firmly on the side of the successes but speaks volumes about the tragedies.
I cannot rave enough about this disc I've been fortunate to have had for a while now.
Simply, it transcends.
This is code for don't rush to find it. It will undoubtedly find you.
Whenever you hear it, enjoy this music and have a good Ash Wednesday tomorrow too if you partake.
Ez ("Elvis's 'Dearland' band" by Ezra Soiferman, 2006, Montreal)
Elvis's MySpace here. (Featuring the song "Ash Wednesday")
Official site here. (Featuring: "While You Were Sleeping": "...a trancelike feel and chilling lyrics." -Rolling Stone, 2/22/07. "...when Perkins started to play, the room was filled with one of the loveliest melodies heard in a while..." -Chicago Maroon, 2/20/07)
CD Review by ASU College Times here. "...stunning debut"
CD Review by The Recorder here.
CD review by NYUnews here.
Live show review by the Boston Globe.
Cool article in San Diego CityBeat here.
See the CD's first music video: "Without Love"
Here are a few stories about the new CD that I've heard from friends who like me had the self-distributed version of it before today's official release:
-Dan has had the CD in his car stereo for 7 months now. He tells me a friend of his has caught the bug too. Her CD never leaves her car stereo either.
-According to her officemate, Anne listens to the CD once a day at work
-Ez once listened to the song "Ash Wednesday" on repeat for a whole day straight
-A friend in Montreal writes: wow. love him.
-What will your Elvis story be? Send them in to Ez Sez.
Read a great interview with Elvis in the Village Voice (July, 2007) here.